Serving Veterans, Service Officers, & Attorneys since 2015

Our Team


Midlevel Practitioners


Nexus Letters

Each medical opinion, or nexus letter, is researched and referenced, pulling insights from the latest medical research, veterans’ service records, and personal medical histories. Our method ensures that each letter is personalized and supported by medical evidence, exceeding the standards set by the VA.

Disability Benefits Questionnaires

Valor 4 Vet’s online DBQs are designed to simplify the claims process, enabling veterans to provide the VA with the detailed information required for a fair evaluation of their claims.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Erectile Dysfunction
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Sleep Apnea


The Valor 4 Vet blog stands as an invaluable resource, providing information for VA disability claims. Its aim is to offer medical legal insights that help veterans understand the VA disability process.

Exposed Vet Radio Show


Monday 9am to 4pm EST
Tuesday 9am to 4pm EST
Wednesday 1pm to 4p EST
Thursday 9am to 4pm EST
Friday 9am to 4pm EST

Closed 12pm to 1pm daily.

We observe all federal holidays.

Valor 4 Vet does not represent veterans for legal claims, does not provide legal advice, and does not provide medical advice.

If you have difficulties navigating the website please call the office at 888-448-1011.